Three months in...
Siksay seems to be off to a strong start with his double critic roles of Citizenship and Immigration and lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered issues. Siksay has been strong in his critic's role with Monte Solberg, the reformed blogger and Minister of Citizenship and Immigration. Siksay has been particularly strong on the refugee issue. Although not much has been going on in the land of the NDP, with Jack Layton still at the helm, Siksay has found time to publish Burnaby-Douglas Link, a collection of various events and activities in Burnaby.
Peter Julian, down in Burnaby-New Westminster, has an even longer critic title than Siksay in Douglas. Julian's title is Critic for International Trade & Gateways, Vancouver Olympics, and Transportation. The Burnaby-New Westminster NDP MP is critic to Minister of Transportation Lawrence Cannon and Minister of Olympics, Pacific Gateway, and International Trade David Emerson, whom Julian has criticized frequently for his switch but has done little as a critic for the portfolio, other than this. Julian's website has some neat fast facts and info about Queensweep, the latest community cleanup project from the MP known for picking up garbage.
It seems like they have found work to keep busy in the slow start to this Parliament prior to the Conservative minority's first budget.