Thursday, April 02, 2009

Crack a couple open at the mall

Two-term BC Liberal Richard T. Lee opens his campaign office this Sunday afternoon. Over in the southwest corner of the city, John Nuraney is also expected open his office this weekend.

Lee's office is across the street from Brentwood Mall. Nuraney's office is at Old Orchard.

Cabinet ministers are expected to put in appearances at all the Burnaby Liberal campaign office openings as winning Burnaby seats will be key to the Liberals retaining a sizable majority.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is the old Magic Shop still at Old Orchard?

John might be advised to learn a few tricks from them for his upcoming campaign, otherwise, ... kazaam ... he'll vanish!

4/02/2009 5:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And whut of wunderboy Wankin?

No office yet?
Or are he and the missus too busy fighting over which campaign organizer to fire first?

4/02/2009 5:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Obviously there's delay at the Wankin campaign as the campaign organizers are busy getting ready to be at the subservient kneeling position when it comes to being approved by Lee's better half and thereby hope to be relieved that they have yet another source of cheques coming into their personal chequing accounts.

4/02/2009 6:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Winning seats in Burnaby for the BC Liberals?

Not exactly a sure thing.

Welcome to the Brentwood Maul.

4/02/2009 6:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Golly Mr. Nose-it-all.

Burnaby had four Liberal MLA just a few short years ago, including the Minister of State for Resort Development!

The likelihood of losing their three current seats really is quite slim, despite Nuraney's prison troubles.

And frankly, I'm kind of pleased to see John standing up to make sure his friends don't have to move far from home, even if it is only for the short period of remand.
It kinda shows heart.
We should have more politicians like John.

4/03/2009 3:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Burnaby had four Liberal MLA just a few short years ago, including the Minister of State for Resort Development!

The likelihood of losing their three current seats really is quite slim, despite Nuraney's prison troubles.

Actually it isn't. Richard won by just +65 votes. John by 300 or so, so both are well within range of losing as for the Minister of Resort Development, give that one a rest. Sahota only got that one in February of 2005, and the legislature ended in late March or early April. The genius behind her campaign lost the whole thing in 2005, when he should have been smart enough to get the riding back.

And frankly, I'm kind of pleased to see John standing up to make sure his friends don't have to move far from home, even if it is only for the short period of remand.

He and the other BC Liberal candidates could be doing time at a golf resort in California while the other BC Liberals are working away in Victoria.

It kinda shows heart.
We should have more politicians like John.

True, but John has alot of things to fix. He's very personab;e and friendly, but was asleep at the burger grill when this remand burger was thrown on.

He got burnt. badly.

4/03/2009 5:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And whut of wunderboy Wankin?

No office yet?
Or are he and the missus too busy fighting over which campaign organizer to fire first?

Hey - this is pretty funny stuff. True too. You must have seen the municipal campaign up close.

Could there really be that many contenders for the new job? Maybe they will do everything themselves.

4/05/2009 10:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Could there really be that many contenders for the new job? Maybe they will do everything themselves.

That would be a first.

Can't see her in the office putting canvass materials together or putting a new bag of coffee into the coffee maker's filter bowl or taking her weekly turn to clean the girl's and men's cans
and then moving on to sweep the floor in the common area around the reception desk.

Wonder how good he would be at his turn of doing the weekly cleaning

4/05/2009 11:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lee Rankin had a successful office opening on Sunday April 5th with Finance Minister Colin Hansen. You'll find the details in your local newspaper.

His office located in the heart of BBY-EDMONDS at Kingsway and Griffiths Drive. 201 – 6916 Kingsway to be exact.

I wish that commenters on this blog would have a little respect and talk about the issues instead of attacking people you don't even know personally.

4/08/2009 7:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I wish that commenters on this blog would have a little respect and talk about the issues instead of attacking people you don't even know personally."

Some have gotten to know some of the candidates up close. A few have followed Rankin and others in their political adventures. Others have watched those who are on Rankin's campaign in their adventures.

This is the real game of politics in Burnaby.

The rock 'em sock 'em bash 'em into the boards hockey style of traditional BC politics..

If you want respect in a game, watch a game of croquet.

Game On!

4/08/2009 8:01 AM  

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