Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Burnaby has an oil spill on its hands. Oil was spilling into Burrard Inlet. Expect it to be the lead story on local newscasts on a day when civic labour strife should have been the lead story.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is it about Kinder Morgan and pipelines. Werent they responsible for that pipeline fiasco in Bellingham.
And it appears from this article they have a problem marking pipelines.

7/24/2007 7:44 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Let's just hope that Derek will clean everything up in time.

7/24/2007 10:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Figures some idiot would blame Corrigan.

Sorry kid. This incident isn't the Mayor's fault it's the pipeline's

The Bellingham pipeline was owned at the time by Olympic, but they had a problem with a pipeline near Seattle a few years afterwards.

Be lucky that oil that spewed all over the place didn't cook off.

7/25/2007 7:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dont think I said it's Derek's fault. I would just like to see him do well on things other than taming the unions or running elections. I think everyone knows by now that Burnaby civic workers wont be going on a strike.

With Burnaby government and the unions that elected them finally reaching an "agreement", I would caution this to T/B that with such a cooperative unions in Burnaby, unless they too can receive endorsements from even few of them, I see many of them including Lee getting defeated against BCA a year from now.

7/25/2007 2:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Dont think I said it's Derek's fault. I would just like to see him do well on things other than taming the unions or running elections. I think everyone knows by now that Burnaby civic workers wont be going on a strike.

If T/B yahoos figure they can get political mileage out of this disaster at the expense of Corrigan, they are sadly mistaken.

The fault of the disaster will probably be with Kinder Morgan and/or the contractor, not the City of Burnaby per se.

With Burnaby government and the unions that elected them finally reaching an "agreement", I would caution this to T/B that with such a cooperative unions in Burnaby, unless they too can receive endorsements from even few of them, I see many of them including Lee getting defeated against BCA a year from now.

Very much true, and T/B yahoos don't factor that in. If Burnaby is happy with the leadership of the BCA majority council and the resident Mayor, then there's no reason to change, despite the honking of T/B people.

As a previous poster said, be very happy that the oil didn't somehow cook off.

7/25/2007 6:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If T/B yahoos (myself included!) want to get ANY mileage out of ANY story, they had better do two things really fast. First, get some cash to pay for that mileage, and get some better talent to manage the show.
T/B still has major debt left over from the last election, without any apparent will to eliminate it. I wonder if Dr. Joseph-Ignace Guillotin patent has expired, or does he require any royalty payments. If he does, T/B is out of luck! Vie le roi.

7/26/2007 4:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"If T/B yahoos (myself included!) want to get ANY mileage out of ANY story, they had better do two things really fast. First, get some cash to pay for that mileage, and get some better talent to manage the show."

I'd change the show's actors and
the script to attract a larger
audience to the seats in the theatre.

"T/B still has major debt left over from the last election, without any apparent will to eliminate it."

Not good there, and this group
wants to run the city??

"I wonder if Dr. Joseph-Ignace Guillotin patent has expired, or does he require any royalty payments. If he does, T/B is out of luck! Vie le roi. "

Could make your own, without copyright infringement.

Once a prototype is built, the next thing is to test it ;-)

7/26/2007 8:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

By the way is the Burnaby NPA still an organization? Couldnt everyone run over there and start a new slate today.

Why dont the characters that were running TB last election find some way to pay off the debt. They are the creative ones.

7/28/2007 5:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"By the way is the Burnaby NPA still an organization? Couldnt everyone run over there and start a new slate today."

People don't vote 100% slate.

Best way is to pick and choose from either side and get a balance.

If the Burnaby NPA started again, Team Burnaby would still be around
and that would cause a split in the vote since a few in Team Burnaby don't know how to play and share with the rest of the kids in the sandbox.

"Why dont the characters that were running TB last election find some way to pay off the debt. They are the creative ones. "

They're too busy keeping to their own power base and ensuring the Campaign manager who ran the last TB campaign gets to do it again.

Plus they're too busy ensuring that whatever it is that Harry Bloy
wants in Burnaby politics, he gets

7/29/2007 8:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm........ moving to the NPA would rectify the Team Burnaby debt problem.

If everyone bails TB would probably disappear in debt. A civic party can only go so much in debt due to the difficulty getting people involved in civic politics not to mention the fact that donations are not tax deductible.

If they cant clear the debt with everyone on board they definitely wont be able to clear up the debt (let alone run an election campaign) with most gone.

7/29/2007 10:28 AM  

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