Thursday, August 10, 2006

Jack of all Burnaby

NDP leader Jack Layton's visit to Robert Burnaby Park (what a wonderfully named park, by the way) over in Burnaby-New Westminster was covered in the mid-week Burnaby press. The event was put on to thank volunteers for Dawn Black, Peter Julian, and Bill Siksay.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another visit from the socialist leader to see socialist volunteer workers who worked a socialist

another boring day in the People's Republic of Burnaby.

8/11/2006 8:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yo Anonymous, hmmm 3 NDP MPs, 2 NDP MLAs, and majority on Burnaby Council. Don't you feel a bit like a salmon swimming upstream??? the only thing boring about Burnaby is reading this site and seeing all the whining and bitching from the neo cons. GET OVER IT!!!!

8/13/2006 10:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are only 2 MPs for Burnaby. Viva la revolucion!

8/13/2006 6:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well seeing as peter julian represents burnaby new westminster, the other new westminster MP dawn black was also present.

8/13/2006 7:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Yo Anonymous, hmmm 3 NDP MPs, 2 NDP MLAs, and majority on Burnaby Council. Don't you feel a bit like a salmon swimming upstream??? the only thing boring about Burnaby is reading this site and seeing all the whining and bitching from the neo cons. GET OVER IT!!!! "

Another day with another arrogant self-important message from the
socialists in Burnaby.

The NDP are getting worse than the federal Liberals or the way too smug types in the BC Liberals.

8/14/2006 2:25 PM  

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