Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Blogs, blogs, blogs, blogs

Unlike a blog mentioned in the last post, these two newer blogs did not spam the comments section of dozens of B.C.-based political blogs. Joining the local muckraking family of Langley, Burnaby, North Vancouver, and Kelowna Politics and Nanaimo beat are a couple of new blogs: Vernon Blog and Vancouver Politics.

Happy timewasting, folks.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The BC Poly Blog is VERY funny and VERY on point. You should not diss the Poly. Obey the Poly.

5/04/2006 8:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh look, Brock Stephenson is blogging again ... I wonder if the guys in the PMO know that he is ignoring the "no blogs" policy

5/05/2006 6:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey anonymous!

I think this whole "Robert Burnaby is actually a PMO staffer" conspiracy theory is cute. But I seem to recall spotting Brock at the TEAM Burnaby AGM a few weeks, whereas (as evidenced by the Apil 23 post), clueless Robert Burnaby (sorry Robert) was clearly elsewhere.

5/06/2006 2:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does anyone care about the comments as to where this Brock character is? Who cares?

There's a more interesting person out there named Peter Julian, the supposedly good MP from Burnaby.

5/06/2006 2:32 PM  
Blogger Steve L. said...

You know most "[city name] Politics" blogs feature authors that you can grasp, kind of. At least you can get an approximate feel of what it would be like to have a beer with them. This is especially the case with Barry Forward over at North Vancouver.

But only here at Burnaby Politics is the blog manned by a completely mysterious mix of aloofness and elusiveness. I mean, yeah, we kind of know that there's no way in hell he'd be NDP, and he's more likely Conservative than Liberal (although he never officially declared anything on this matter, and to be fair he's picks on Liberals and Conservatives and BC Liberals too), but... you just can't picture what it would be like to have a beer with Robert Burnaby. Can you? CAN YOU?! I DARE YOU! No wonder conspiracy theories abound with this guy.

Oh and by the way is inaccessible for me.

5/08/2006 2:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, then how about some fine BC wine with Andrew Stewart of Team Burnaby?

He has been known to get into the spirit of things.

But the person to really have a beer with would be Derek Corrigan.

He'll probably rant and rave and get his Irish up.

Does anyone really care what political polarity Robert Burnaby is?

You'd think the NDP would have better things to do like work towards defeating the BC Liberals
here in Burnaby.

But before that, work the BCA to strengthen it and put Team Burnaby out of its misery. Dump Corrigan and get someone new in there and
you're in the Mayor's chair. Guaranteed.

5/08/2006 11:27 AM  
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