Friday, January 13, 2006

Yet Another Liberal Cabinet Minister Visits Douglas Once Again

The Young Liberals of Canada at Simon Fraser University are pushing a noon hour campus visit on Monday by Justice Minister and Attorney General Irwin Cotler. The Mount Royal MP's speech is titled "Charter of Rights and a Just Society." Cotler has been an MP since 1999 when he won a by-election and has long been associated with human right legal cases.

The Martin Liberals must be getting desperate if they are having cabinet minister campaign on the Charter of Rights and the Just Society after Paul Martin's debate assault on the Charter and the well-known generation old tensions between the Martin and Trudeau camps of the Liberal Party.

Billy Cunningham is the Liberal candidate in Burnaby-Douglas, the riding that contains SFU.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was that idiot Trudeau's Just Society programme that caused alot of problems in Canada.

So essentially Billy Boy had someone who thinks Trudeau was the best thing in Canada since the CBC
started airing The Friendly Giant
and Mr. Dressup, and not to forget that other institution, Tim Horton's and donairs.

Billy Boy is getting desperate.

Cabinet Ministers from a Liberal Government will not earn extra votes.

The federal Liberals are hosed.

1/13/2006 7:13 PM  
Blogger Steve L. said...

Cotler should also talk about polygamy.

1/13/2006 7:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was Billy Boy dressed up in Beachcomber's apparel?
That must count as CBC Canadiana.

1/15/2006 8:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That would be an insult to Nick, Jesse, Molly and of course Relic.

Billy Boy could pass off as adult version of Casey though.

1/15/2006 8:43 PM  

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